Esentia Systems Blog
The Geovision GV-AI FR 4 Port
GV-AI FR Video Analytics Software
The GV-AI FR Video Analytics Software performs Face Recognition (FR) on up to 8 channels of IP cameras.
by Brandon Scott • October 30, 2024
Geovision says this about the GV-AI FR 4 Port:
"GV-AI FR is video analytics software that can perform Face Recognition (FR) on up to 8 channels of IP cameras. It can be incorporated with the GV-VMS video management software and the GV-ASManager access control system for FR-triggered video recording and access management, respectively."
Key GV-AI FR 4 Port Features:
- Support for up to 8 channels of IP cameras
- Realtime face recognition and tracking
- Average recognition speed of within 1 second per face when the recognition targets are moving toward the cameras
- Masked face recognition
- Face Database managing up to 100,000 Face Profiles with 3 face images per profile
- Face profiling by age and gender
- Liveness detection for ensuring the persons recognized are not of inanimate objects, such as printed photos, during recognition
- Query by face recognition events
- Exportable daily / weekly / monthly / yearly hourly face recognition count
- Integration of GV-ASManager for access management by pairing access data to Face Profiles
- Automatic compilation of statistical graphs for the number and distribution of ages and genders of the faces recognized entering and exiting the premise
- Integration of GV-VMS for video recording and playing back face recognition events
- Master and Slave feature for interconnecting multiple GV-AI FRs with a centralized Face Database
- Support for connecting to 3rd-party controllers for access management via GV-FWC within the LAN and/or GV-COM V3 + GV-WTR by physical connection
GV-AI FR 4 Port Overview:

The Geovision GV-AI FR 4 Port could be just what you're looking for.
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